Tuesday, August 26, 2014

All-White Style


Summertime offers an opportunity to lighten up our home environments and what can be more refreshing than all-white style.  Designing a room that is all white can be just as daunting as using bold colors.  Many people are afraid their rooms will look cold and formal, rather than
warm and comfortable as in the photo above.  I think this inviting room is a successful combination of painted surfaces, fabrics and accessories all of which are limited to one color...white!

I love a classic all-white kitchen as in the photos above and below where the work areas evoke a feeling of cleanliness and efficiency.  The neutral backgrounds are also a perfect foil to all the busy activity and colors involved in food preparation and contrast with the shiny metallic appliances.
All-white bedrooms can be very soothing and relaxing.  I love to luxuriate in white sheets and duvets and like the serene atmosphere in the following sleeping spaces. The baby's room is especially charming despite the lack of bright colors often desired by parents of little ones.  Soft gray, beige and taupe accents add warmth to the rooms without detracting from the overall white scheme.



In addition to kitchens, bathrooms are the most preferred rooms to showcase an all-white design plan.
The room below is very functional, as well as beautiful, with several different shades of white complementing each other in the painted woodwork, sinks and tub, tiled floor and painted walls.
Sometimes a single other color used sparingly can enhance the look of mostly white furnishings.  The elegant dining room below is both elegant and casual where touches of green accents are a refreshing contrast to the painted surfaces.  The following photos offer turquoise as a color accent
to enliven the all-white dining area and pale blue in the large living room.
The challenge of creating an all-white space does not have to be limited to one room.
The last two photos show a small apartment and a larger interior where the color white has been successfully used throughout the entire home. Whether charming or sophisticated, all-white style
has year-round appeal.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Sunburst Motifs

An ancient design motif that is still very popular today is the sunburst.  Looking through home furnishings catalogs recently, I noticed many different examples of this sunny design element.
The sunburst has always denoted wealth, power, prestige, prosperity and happiness.  It's no wonder
that it continues to be a dominant motif in architectural and interior design.  Most often, I  see sunburst mirrors used as the main focal point on the wall of a room.  The following photos offer striking examples in a living room, dining room, bedroom and bathroom where they give an eye-popping impact to the spaces.




Traditionally made in metallic gold finishes, they can be very effective in other colors as well. The following examples seen in white, turquoise and silver are just as dramatic and bold. They reflect more of the color scheme of the rooms rather than a contrast as in the previous photos.


Most often displayed as a single item, the sunburst mirror can be beautifully displayed in a collection as in the photo below.  The wall arrangement gives visual excitement to the room while keeping to
the neutral color scheme of the furnishings. 
I love to see the sunburst motif used as decorative elements in a wide variety of home furnishings.  It can be both classical and whimsical when used in carpets, upholstery fabrics, pillows , artwork and furniture design.  The following photos confirm the abundant selections available to the homeowner today.



If you're wanting to add drama, sparkle and a joyful spirit to any room of your home, add a sunburst motif and feel the space come alive.